
Welcome to Wolf's Haven, the stories of currently 5 packs of wild wolves made by Darkmist, who hold the power of the elements in their ancient past revealed before our very eyes. Also here are the random poems of one Darkmist, and maps of the pack territories and camps are available. If you come here often, make sure to read the news below every time for the latest info! Please enjoy your stay~
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Legend Begins...

Once there were twin spirits. Their names were Ledik, of the Stars, and Delik, of the Night. The land did not exist yet, neither did life. The two were close. They shared everything and were the best of friends in the sky, light and dark together. But one day, something changed. Someday something always changes, and it is this that brings forth new life. New spirits became, and upon this happening became the element beings, the great Energy of the Sun, the Strength of the Snow, the Wet of the Rain, and the Breath of the Cloud. These four beings tore at the sky in their existence, and ripped the dark and light apart from each other. It was in this rift between them came the Land, a place cursed to forever be in either light or dark. When the twins Ledik and Delik came to realize this parting, they both thought the other had abandoned them. They wept and wept, and created a sadness so large it became the sea. It was a very rare time indeed if the two were seen together again, but those times of beauty were always sacred truces to all and became known as twilight. When these mere moments of beauty came upon the world, the four beings of element felt that what their existence brought was not so bad, and together, they agreed, they had made the stuff of dream. Of hope and a will to see the next greatness in the world. They then, in their happiness of belonging in the world, created their own beauty together. The sparks of energy and willpower they radiated had turned into their own beings. The four were dumbfounded at the wonderful sight. Little balls of energy, strength, water, and breath each given their own small spark of a dream. A dream to simply belong. To be their own greatness. And to finally see another unity of light and dark, the very happiness that could bring one who thought themselves of no good to a new purpose. The purpose that became known as Life.
However, Delik and Ledik continued to think the other had left them, and their reuniting became less and less frequent, until it was hardly at all. When this happened, Many of the new sparks of life died, giving up thinking no good was in the world anymore. However, they had been wrong. Dreams could still be, for the four of element had seen that good so many times before they knew they just knew, it would never disappear. For it had been etched into their very minds, their very soul and heart. The four became what they knew, they followed their hearts and rose to the sky once more. They tried to make their own twilight. Sun would make beautiful lights and color in the sky by shining down for the eyes, while Snow would drop powder down, coating the ground in fluff for the touch. Cloud could move any bit of sweet cold air and rush it by for the nose, and Rain would send soft drizzles down, tapping out a smooth symphony for the ears. Even when the lovely senses surrounded each and every one of the sparks, they were still dying, this was not what their dream of birth and will had been. The four above were almost beyond hope. The sparks would not believe in the dream. But they must, the four thought. They must fight even through the times of no hope and when there seemed to place to belong. If there was a way to show them, to make them see that place of beauty in their mind even if it was nowhere near them. Thus the four came to the etching of Memory. Of Instinct to live, to matter what the thought. And as the four gazed down upon the new life, there were many different kinds. ones that were small, some huge, some dumb, some very smart. Among these were two that were exceptionally unique. They became known as the Wolf and the Man. One was extraordinarily smart, always coming up with smarter ways to do things, but it was very weak. The other was very limber, they could run and jump and go on forever, but they were not very smart. Even though each was strong and weak at the same time, because of these extremes the four above decided to give them gifts. The Wolf was given one of Spirit and Memory, while The Man was given one of Mind and Ability. Each would forever live on and be in the same world, apart or together, which was a beautiful sight. Seeing the two together reminded the element beings of old Delik and Ledik. Hopefully one day they shall be together forever, and not apart like the Star and Night, the four thought. This hope can only be revealed with time however...
But what of Ledik and Delik, you ask? Well... this, too, may only be revealed in time...

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