
Welcome to Wolf's Haven, the stories of currently 5 packs of wild wolves made by Darkmist, who hold the power of the elements in their ancient past revealed before our very eyes. Also here are the random poems of one Darkmist, and maps of the pack territories and camps are available. If you come here often, make sure to read the news below every time for the latest info! Please enjoy your stay~
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

~ This Wolf's Soul 1 - Questions ~

“Hello. Nero sees you have awoken.”
Where am I?, you ask yourself, trying and failing to sit up. Everything hurts.
“Please do not try to get up, my friend. You are severely wounded. Trying to move around right now would be very unwise.”
“It hurts.”
“Nero knows. It will get better,” the voice added.
“Who’s Nero?”
“He is who you hear speaking, my friend.”
You try to lift your head to see the third person-speaking wolf. Dizziness floods you, and you immediately throw up.
“Don’t say Nero didn’t warn you,” Nero scolded softly. You make a mental note to listen to him.
"Ugh... Where am I?" you groan.
Nero sighs. "Nero wishes he knew himself," he admits. "Alas, his efforts are in vain. He has gone completely crazy! Hahaha, hehehe!" the odd wolf fell backward on the ground, laughing. "He does not even remember where YOU came, from, my friend!"
More laughing.
You look about you, ignoring Nero for now. It appears you are in a cave, and the mossy floor indicates there is water nearby.
"Can I have some water?" you ask, noticing a pool next to the entrance. Nero responds by jumping up and padding over to the shallow pool. He then begins carefully filling a leaf with some and carrying it over to you to set it next to your muzzle. You begin to lap eagerly, but Nero stops you.
"Slowly, to fast and you may vomit again," Nero cautioned. You take care to drink slowly. Then the questions start bubbling up again.
"What happened to me? What is this cave? Who are you? Are there others near here? Do you have meat? How bad are my wounds? Why are you helping me? Am I dying??" You flood Nero with questions, which he patiently listens to, and then answers them one by one, the best he can:
"You mean you don't know what happened? This is under a tree near lake Shamui. [if you don't know what Shamui is, look at the Snowpack territories.] Nero is called this because of his coloring," he stepped into view revealing his black & white coloring. "Nero is known as an herbseeker, and he heals with herbs. There are no others here right now, although when the lights shine in the sky the others gather here and Nero teaches them. Nero is not a hunter, he eats berries and nuts. Your wounds are grave, but you shall make a full recovery. Nero helps all those injured. As for dying, no, however you did, my friend."
"I did?" all you hear is the last phrase. Who am I, you wonder. Why is this wolf's soul here?

~~Comment what YOU want to do next! The most popular choice will be in the next post!~~


  1. Learn more about the situation, either by remembering or from Nero.

    As in:

    killed how?
    life(pack or loner)?

  2. Nero reminds me of Yoda...

    And I agree with Dawnstar, also ask Nero how you recovered from death.

  3. lol Yoda was kinda what i was going for. :D

  4. haha thanks. Im going to make the legend of the packs and a map of the territories next, so just an FYI it might be awhile 'til the next post. X)


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