
Welcome to Wolf's Haven, the stories of currently 5 packs of wild wolves made by Darkmist, who hold the power of the elements in their ancient past revealed before our very eyes. Also here are the random poems of one Darkmist, and maps of the pack territories and camps are available. If you come here often, make sure to read the news below every time for the latest info! Please enjoy your stay~
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Darkmist: Draw pack maps, add new wolves, write next post!

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Want to know what herbs Shamans use? Here's a list! (Do NOT eat these in real life. These are herbs used in the Warriors series, I do not if these are used in real herbalism.)

Borage leaves- fevers and to help mothers produce milk
Burdock root- infected cuts and bites
Mint- used for fevers and some serious coughs
Celandine flower- ailments of the eyes
Chamomile flower- calming and strength
Chervil - infections, root is used for bellyache
Cobwebs- used to stop bleeding
Coltsfoot- good for young ones' coughs
Comfrey- broken bones
Daisy Leaves- sore joints
Yewberries/Nightshade- NOT medicine, deadly in large amounts.
Dock Leaves- smoothing fur
Feverfew- fevers and headaches
Goldenrod- poultice for aches and stiffness
Horsetail sap- helps cobwebs stick
Marigold- wounds and cracked paw pads
Nettle leaves- swelling
Poppy seeds- relieves pain and helps sleep
Snakeroot- poison bites
Tansy- coughs
Thyme- shock
Wild Garlic- infection
Yarrow- ointment for sore feet, or eaten to expel poison (puke)

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